Keeping your glass stove top clean is a huge part of keeping the appliance running smoothly. By keeping this surface clean, you can increase the life of your stove. Sometimes, though, harsh chemical cleaners can permanently mar the glass top or leave a residue or ‘film’ over the top of it, and you certainly don’t want that.
Instead, here is one method you can use to keep your stove top clean using a few natural ingredients. All you’ll need to keep your glass stove-top looking great is a razor blade, white vinegar, and baking soda.
- Vinegar. Wipe your stove down with the white vinegar and a clean towel first. Make sure that all of your burners are cool before you start! Vinegar is applied best using a spray bottle, but even pouring it directly on the stove in small doses will help de-grease the surface and lift grime from the glass.
- Apply baking soda. Once the vinegar has been wiped away and the stove top is dry again, apply baking soda over the surface of the glass. Spreading an even layer of powder is the best way to go here. Why baking soda? It’s gritty enough to scrub away any stuck-on messes without scratching the glass.
- A damp towel. Soak a towel (or multiple towels) in warm water and then wring it out. Place the dampened towel over the surface of the baking soda on your stove top. Over the course of 15 minutes, this will loosen any stuck-on dirt and help make scrubbing more effective.
- Scrub. After 15 minutes, you can use a towel to start scrubbing away at the baking soda. Make sure to rinse your towel out frequently while you’re scrubbing. When there is no trace of baking soda left on your stove top, you’re finished with this step.
- Scrape off stubborn dirt. If there are any hard, burnt-on spots that haven’t yet come off, this is the time to use the razor blade. Make sure the stove is still damp and that the material you’re scraping away is a bit damp as well, then use the razor blade to gently lift and remove the grime. Make sure that you use slow, even motions and don’t scrape in back-and-forth gestures to avoid scratching the surface of your stove.
- Vinegar again. When all of the worst spots are gone and you’ve scrubbed all that you can, polish your glass with another round of vinegar on a damp cloth. This will make your glass shine and remove any residue that’s been left behind.
Using this method, you’ll get your cooktop glass looking great again in no time! If your stove needs a repair even after a thorough cleaning, give Morris County Appliance service a call! We service most home appliance brands, and we’d be happy to help you get your appliances repaired in Morris County.